Alright, this is what happened...
My laptop is fucked (Oops, swearing alert!).
I thought it'd be fine, 
but then it just died on me.
Sh*t (forgive me for the swearing, again),
I got my first deadline next week,
and the worst thing is that I can't even watch 'Friends' when I'm doing my work!
It's not like I don't want to fix it or anything, 
I went to the uni IT shop and they couldn't do anything about it;
then I tried Currys which they said they don't provide repair service, 
unless I purchased the laptop from them...
Alrite, I know you got your policy,
but can't you see my eyes full of tears and is dying for some help??
But at least I'm pretty sure that the hard drive isn't damaged or anything, 
so it's cool.
The damage might be caused by the remained Norton Anti-Virus,
which clashed with my new Kerpirsky download...
(or just simply because I enjoyed downloading too much...?!)
I now seriously think it's better without anti-virus software, 
cos they basically don't do f*ck-all (pardon me, for the swearing once again)

Other than my laptop, 
uni life is cool;
I enjoy my course cos obivously I made this choice myself,
and I do like Pompey,
love both the uni and the city.
Altho I've just started, 
but I'm kinda hoping to do a postgraduate (master) here,
which I think 'Television and Film Studies' is a brilliant one.
fingers-crossed for my laptop, eh.
It's not that bad not be able to use internet,
I still got my ipod and I got loads of magazines.
So yeah,
I will survive just fine =D

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