Lamb Shank 大家常指說是羊膝,
但其實那部位也不是真的是膝蓋, 而是羊小腿接近膝蓋的部位,
所以有時候有人說是羊小腿, 也是有人說是羊腱.
生的 lamb shanks 是長這樣,
雖然生的看起來很肥大, 但是燉煮過後肉會往上縮,
兩隻 shanks 約 400塊台幣,
想想 lamb shanks 在餐廳裡賣得價格,
ㄧ隻肥大的 shank 吃完會撐呢~
煮這道菜, 我只需要去買 shanks,
*食譜雖是4人份, 但是比例減半味道也不會差很多,
4 lamb shanks
plain flour
olive oil
2 red onions , thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves , crushed
100ml balsamic vinegar
500ml red wine , full bodied
2 tbsp tomato purée
a sprig of rosemary
new potatoes
1. Heat the oven to 150C/fan 130C/gas 2.
Dust the lamb shanks with flour and season. Heat a casserole and add a little butter and olive oil. Add the onions and cook until soft, then scoop out. Put in the lamb shanks and brown all over.
Put the onions back in the casserole with the garlic, balsamic, wine, tomato purée, rosemary and season.
2. Cover, put in the oven and cook for 2 1/2 hours until the meat is almost falling off the bone. Remove the lamb from the casserole and keep warm. Boil down the juices to thicken them if they seem too thin.
3. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes until soft. Drain, add a little bit of butter, seasons and add mint sauce or fresh herbs if desired (thyme, mint). Serve with the shanks and gravy.
Brown the lamb all over 那個步驟很重要,
時間過了ㄧ半之後, 我會把它們翻面,
食譜很搞剛的說 new potatoes 要加新鮮切碎的 thyme 還有 mint,
所以就用冰箱裡原本就有的 mint sauce ㄧ點點下去拌,
mint sauce 本來就是配羊肉用的,
但是ㄧ點點就好囉, 不然整盤食物口味會偏酸.
如果我有烤羊腿烤羊肩的就會自己做 mint sauce,
如果覺得超市罐裝的吃起來ok (我是真的覺得 ok),
嘗過新鮮的 mint sauce 之後就知道新鮮的果然還是比較迷人啦~